Gini haree mau nepu lewat email. Wah maaf saja deh, sudah sering saya menerima email penipuan berkedok permintaan bantuan, baik untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah besar dana yang tertahan di bank tertentu atau untuk biaya pengobatan sanak saudaranya yang menderita sakit parah. Untuk pengeluaran dana yang tertahan di bank, si pengirim biasanya beralasan bahwa dana tersebut merupakan warisan dari keluarganya namun tidak bisa dicairkan karena ditahan oleh pemerintahnya yang otoriter. Karenanya diperlukan bantuan pihak ketiga untuk mengeluarkan dana tersebut. Biasanya pula pengirim mengaku berasal dari salah satu negara di Afrika.
Kali ini saya kembali menerima email seperti itu, hanya saja pengirimnya mengatasnamakan rekan saya, mas Sony. Membaca "emailnya" saya langsung senyum-senyum sendiri. Sejak kapan dia ngluyur ke Afrika sendirian dan tiba-tiba minta bantuan karena ndak bisa bayar hotel. Kalaupun benar dia terdampar di Nigeria dan barang-barangnya hilang, sudah pasti dia akan kontak Kedutaan Besar RI di Lagos, bukannya kontak saya di Brussel.
Dugaan saya, email mas Sony tersebut dikirimkan bukan hanya ke saya, tetapi juga ke email teman-temanya yang lain. Dugaan lain, email rekan saya tersebut sudah disusupi atau ditunggangi hacker yang coba-coba cari celah keuntungan. Kali-kali aja, dari sekian alamat email yang dikirimkan, ada yang terperangkap dan kemudian mengirimkan duit seperti yang dimintakan.
Saran saya, kalau menerima email seperti itu, langsung saja di delete mode on. Kalau memang anda penasaran dan ingin mengecek kebenarannya, silahkan saja, namun jangan langsung mereply email tersebut. Gunakan mode komunikasi lain, misalnya lewat telepon atau sms.
Untuk mencegah jangan sampai ada yang tertipu oleh email semacam itu, saya sengaja mengupload email tersebut disini. Semoga bermanfaat.
Ini isi emailnya:
How are you doing today? I am sorry i didn't inform you about my traveling to Africa for a program called "Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Lack of Education, the program is taking place in three major countries in Africa which is Ghana , South Africa and Nigeria . It has been a very sad and bad moment for me, the present condition that i found myself is very hard for me to explain.
I am really stranded in Nigeria because I forgot my little bag in the Taxi where my money, passport, documents and other valuable things were kept on my way to the Hotel am staying, I am facing a hard time here because i have no money on me. I am now owning a hotel bill of $1,600 and they wanted me to pay the bill soon or else they will have to seize my bag and hand me over to the Hotel Management., I need this help from you urgently to help me back home, I need you to help me with the hotel bill and i will also need $1,800 to feed and help myself back home so please can you help me with a sum of $3,400 to sort out my problems here? I need this help so much and on time because i am in a terrible and tight situation here, I don't even have money to feed myself for a day which means i had been starving, so please understand how urgent i needed your help.
I am sending you this e-mail from the city Library, I will appreciate what so ever you can afford to send me for now and I promise to pay back your money as soon as i return home. So please use the details below to transfer the money to me through Western Union money transfer because that is the only way i could be able to get it fast and leave. This is the information below....
Name: Sony Witjaksono
City : 16 Johson Street, Victoria Island
State : Lagos
Country : Nigeria
Zip Code : 23401
Text question: To who
Answer: Sony
After you have send the money, email to me the western union money transfer control number.
Hope to hear from you soon. I would have written in our language but the hotel mangement here are monitoring my communication through email and i would'nt want to be embarrased
Sony Witjaksono
How are you doing today? I am sorry i didn't inform you about my traveling to Africa for a program called "Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Lack of Education, the program is taking place in three major countries in Africa which is Ghana , South Africa and Nigeria . It has been a very sad and bad moment for me, the present condition that i found myself is very hard for me to explain.
I am really stranded in Nigeria because I forgot my little bag in the Taxi where my money, passport, documents and other valuable things were kept on my way to the Hotel am staying, I am facing a hard time here because i have no money on me. I am now owning a hotel bill of $1,600 and they wanted me to pay the bill soon or else they will have to seize my bag and hand me over to the Hotel Management., I need this help from you urgently to help me back home, I need you to help me with the hotel bill and i will also need $1,800 to feed and help myself back home so please can you help me with a sum of $3,400 to sort out my problems here? I need this help so much and on time because i am in a terrible and tight situation here, I don't even have money to feed myself for a day which means i had been starving, so please understand how urgent i needed your help.
I am sending you this e-mail from the city Library, I will appreciate what so ever you can afford to send me for now and I promise to pay back your money as soon as i return home. So please use the details below to transfer the money to me through Western Union money transfer because that is the only way i could be able to get it fast and leave. This is the information below....
Name: Sony Witjaksono
City : 16 Johson Street, Victoria Island
State : Lagos
Country : Nigeria
Zip Code : 23401
Text question: To who
Answer: Sony
After you have send the money, email to me the western union money transfer control number.
Hope to hear from you soon. I would have written in our language but the hotel mangement here are monitoring my communication through email and i would'nt want to be embarrased
Sony Witjaksono
hari gni jangan mau ketipu
ternyata mas AHU mengalami nasib yang sama dengan Prof Bambang Hidayat.
lihat di :
isi emailnya sama tentang ....Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Lack of Education,..... di Nigeria.
kasihan, pasti die udah nggak bisa pake emailya lagi.
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